More Personal Ansible

I can do anything. I can’t do everything. –Me

Anything worth doing is worth doing in a way you can check in to git. To recall what I did from the command line, I should turn those actions into a persist-able document. Do I? Not often enough. Often I rely on bash history to remind me of what I did last time. Since the machines I work on are out of a global pool, I have been burned by not recording commands before relinquishing a machine.

For complex series of tasks, it makes sense to execute a bash script to perform those tasks, and I have many of these. Shell scripting excels in doing command line tasks. Where it does not do so well is on tasks that are split over multiple machines. While curl is great for pulling and pushing files to webservers, the majority of my remote work requires ssh and scp to set things up. This is where Ansible comes in: If I can make a playbook that records the commands I use to perform that action, I can repeat it on another machine.

Here is what my workflow looks like as I try to get better at it:

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How not to waste time developing long-running processes

Developing long running tasks might be my least favorite coding activity. I love writing and debugging code…I’d be crazy to be in this profession if I did not. But when a task takes long enough, your attention wanders and you get out of the zone.

Building the Linux Kernel takes time. Even checking the Linux Kernel out of git takes a non-trivial amount of time. The Ansible work I did back in the OpenStack days to build and tear down environments took a good bit of time as well. How do I keep from getting out of the zone while coding on these? It is hard, but here are some techniques.

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When to Ansible? When to Shell?

Any new technology requires a mental effort to understand. When trying to automate the boring stuff, one decision I have to make is whether to use straight shell scripting or whether to perform that operation using Ansible. What I want to do is look at a simple Ansible playbook I have written, and then compare what the comparable shell script would look like to determine if it would help my team to use Ansible or not in this situation.

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Remotely checking out from git using ssh key forwarding.

Much of my work is done on machines that are only on load to me, not permanently assigned. Thus, I need to be able to provision them quickly and with a minimum of fuss. One action I routinely need to do is to check code out of a git server, such as We use ssh keys to authenticate to gitlab. I need a way to do this securely when working on a remote machine. Here’s what I have found

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ipxe.efi for aarch64

To make the AARCH64 ipxe process work using bifrost, I had to

git clone
cd ipxe/src/
make bin-arm64-efi/snponly.efi ARCH=arm64
sudo cp bin-arm64-efi/snponly.efi /var/lib/tftpboot/ipxe.efi

This works for the Ampere reference implementation servers that use a Mellanox network interface card, which supports (only) snp.

An Ansible Approach to Registering RHEL Systems

I am constantly creating and deleting virtual machines. These virtual machines often are RHEL systems, and need to be registered with Red Hat’s CDN. While In the past I had a Role that was wrapped into other provisioning playbooks to perform this task, I find that there are enough one-offs to make it useful to do this as a stand alone playbook. Here is how I set it up, including my rational.

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Ansible and FreeIPA Part-1

Ansible is a workflow engine. I use it to do work on my behalf.

FreeIPA is an identity management system. It allows me to manage the identities of users in my organization

How do I get the two things to work together? The short answer is that it is trivial to do using Ansible Engine. It is harder to do using Ansible tower.

Edit: Second part is here. Third part is coming.

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