ipxe.efi for aarch64

To make the AARCH64 ipxe process work using bifrost, I had to

git clone https://github.com/ipxe/ipxe.git
cd ipxe/src/
make bin-arm64-efi/snponly.efi ARCH=arm64
sudo cp bin-arm64-efi/snponly.efi /var/lib/tftpboot/ipxe.efi

This works for the Ampere reference implementation servers that use a Mellanox network interface card, which supports (only) snp.

Automating Baremetal Node Creation for Ironic

Sometime your shell scripts get out of control. Sometimes you are proud of them. Sometimes….both.

I need to be able to re-add a bunch of nodes to an OpenStack cluster on a regular basis. Yes, I could do this with Ansible, but, well, Ansible is great for doing something via SSH, and this just needs to be done here and now. So shell is fine.

This started as a one liner, and got a bit bigger.

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Select only the Jades

Some custom jq for RegEx selection of OpenStack Ironic baremetal nodes. Our Server types show up in their names. I want to be able to build lists of only the Mt. Jade Servers, which have names that look like this:


openstack baremetal node list  --sort provision_state:asc   -c UUID -c Name -f json | jq '.[] | select(.Name | test("jade."))'