Homelab OpenShift 4 on Baremetal: Part 1

My work as a cloud Solutions Architect is focused on OpenShift. Since I work in the financial sector, my customers are very security focused. These two factorshave converged on me working on OpenShift installs on disconnected networks.

The current emphasis on OpenShift is for virtualization. While virtualization can be nested, it typically has a performance penalty. More important, though, is that virtualization is a technology for taking advantage of bare metal installs.

I need to run OpenShift 4 on baremetal in my homelab via a disconnected install . Here we go.

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Network Policy to Explicitly Allow access from all Namespaces

The Default network policy in OpenShift allows all access from all pods in all namespaces via the cluster IP. However, once you start enforcing policy on a project, all policy decision need to be made explicit. If you want to still allow access from all projects, you can use the following policy file.

kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: allow-all-namespaces
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector: {}

Building (and running) a custom HTTPD container image

Having used Apache HTTPD for a good portion of my professional career, and being responsible for explaining how OpenShift works, I decided to try and build an Apache HTTPD container from scratch. For follow on work, I want to see the environment, so the container is essentially wrapping a mod_wsgi APP that dumps the environment. I took some trial and error to get it to run. Here is the end result:

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