Adding External IPs for Minishift

In the interest of simplifying the development and deployment of Kubevirt, we decided to make sure it was possible to run with minishift.  After downloading and running the minishift binary, I had a working minishift cluster.  However, in order to deploy the api-server to the cluster, I needed an external IP;  otherwise I’d get the error:

Error: service "" is invalid spec.externalIPs: Forbidden: externalIPs have been disabled

Here is how I got around this error.

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Manually Deploying Kubevirt on OpenShift Origin

It has been enjoyable to learn the Kubevirt code base and coding in Go.  However, unless the code gets deployed to servers, no one will use it in production.  I’ve been learning OpenShift as an integration point for Kubevirt.  Here are my notes for getting it up and running.  This is not quite production grade, but should help write a proper deployment mechanism.

Please note, as of KubeVirt v0.17 installing KubeVirt directly via manifests is deprecated. KubeVirt is now deployed using the operator pattern.

The rest of this document is maintained for historical value only.

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