FreeIPA: whoami via curl

Assuming PRINCIPAL is your Kerberos principal and $IPASERVER is the FQDN of your server, you can query your identity on the IPA server via curl:

curl -k -H referer:https://$IPASERVER/ipa   -H "Content-Type:application/json"    -H "Accept:applicaton/json"   --negotiate -u :   --cacert /etc/ipa/ca.crt   -d  '{"method":"whoami","params":[[],{"version": "2.220"}],"id":0}'   -X POST    https://$IPASERVER/ipa/json
{"result": {"object": "user", "command": "user_show/1", "arguments": ["ayoung"]}, "version": "4.5.4", "error": null, "id": 0, "principal": "ayoung@YOUNGLOGIC.COM"}

This is handy if your system is not registered as an IPA client.

To fetch by username:

curl -k -H referer:https://$IPASERVER/ipa   -H "Content-Type:application/json"    -H "Accept:applicaton/json" --negotiate -u : --cacert /etc/ipa/ca.crt -d '{"method": "user_show", "params": [[ "ayoung" ], { "all": true, "rights": true }  ]}'  -X POST    https://$IPASERVER/ipa/json

Running the Cyrus SASL Sample Server and Client

When I start working on a new project, I usually start by writing a “Hello, World” program and going step by step from there. When trying to learn Cyrus SASL, I found I needed to something comparable, that showed both the client and server side of the connection. While the end state of using SASL should be communication that is both authenticated and encrypted, to start, I just wanted to see the protocol in action, using clear text and no authentication.

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