My “Two Main Problems With Java” Rant

This is not an Anti-Java rant  Per Se.  It is a rant about the two main things missing from the language that force people into code heavy work-arounds.

Java has two flaws that hurt programmers using the language.  The first is that the reflection API does not provide the parameter names for a function.  The second is that Java allows null pointers.  This article explains why these two flaws are the impetus for many of the workarounds that require a lot of coding to do simple things.  This added complexity in turn leads to code that is harder to maintain and less performant.

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The overhead of Java

A programming language is a tool. When choosing the right tool for the job, you want to have good information about it. I’ve worked with both C and Java, and have dealt with a lot of misconceptions about both. I’m going to try and generate some data to use in helping guide discussions about the different languages. Consider this, then as the next instalment of my comparison of programming languages that I started in my IPv6 days.

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Facelets Taglibs

These are my notes on how to reverse engineer what tags are doing in a JSF application. In this case, I am trying to figure out what are the classes behind the Configuration tags in the RHQ.  I am trying to figure out what is being done by the tag


This tag is activated with the following value at the top of the page:


To Figure out what this tag means, I look in WEB-INF/web.xml.  The web.xml value


Lets me know where the file is that defines the acceptable tags I can add to an xhtml page for this component.


This taglib defines the values

tag-name config
component-type org.jboss.on.Config
renderer-type org.jboss.on.Config

Note that these are JSF component names, and not Java class names.  To resolve these to Java classes, we need to find the mappings.  The mapping files are defined in web.xml under the entry:


In particular, I found what I wanted in


The values I care about are:

component-type org.jboss.on.Config
component-class org.rhq.core.gui.configuration.ConfigUIComponent

and the renderer for Config and ConfigurationSet components

component-family rhq
renderer-type org.jboss.on.Config
renderer-class org.rhq.core.gui.configuration.ConfigRenderer

This render extends javax.faces.render.Renderer.  This is a Flyweight that parses and generates HTML.  It has two main methods: decode an encode. decode parses the request that comes in, encode injects html into the response that goes out.

Decode appears to be called only on a post.  Encode seems to be called even on a get.

Refactoring: Introduce Builder

As I move more and more towards Immutable objects, I find myself extracting the building logic out from the usage of an object on a regular basis.  The basic format of this pattern is

mutable object =>  immutable object + builder

There are two aspects to using an object: creating it, and reading its state. This pattern splits those two aspects up into different object, providing a thread safe and scalable approach to sharing objects without restoring to locking. Modifications of the object are reflected by creating a new object, and then swapping out the immutable

There are two ways to go about making the builder. If the object is created as part of user interface or networking code, it make sense to use a generic map object, and in the build method, confirm that all required properties are there.
so code like:

if (inputStringKey.equals(‘x’)) obj.setX(inputStringValue);


builder.set(inlutStringKey, inputStringValue)
obj =;

If, on the other hand, the original object tends to be modified by other code, it makes sense to split the object so that the setters are on the builder object.  Thus the above code becomes:

builder.setX( x);
obj =;

The immutable object shouldn’t have getters, you should use public properties for them, make those properties public and immutable themselves. In Java, this means tagging them as final, in C++ make them const.

It the immutable object is fetched from a data store, there are two approaches to updating that datastore.  The simplest and least flexible is to have the builder update the store as part of the build function.  This mixes functionality, and means that you can only update a single object per transaction, but it does increase consistency of viewing the object across the system.  The more common approach is to have a deliberate call to store the immutable object in the datastore.  Often, this is a transactional store, with multiple immutable objects sent in bulk as an atomic commit.

Here are the steps to perform this refactoring:

1. Append the word builder to the class name

2. Create a new internal class for holding the immutable state of the the object and give it the name of the original object.  Give  the builder and instance member field of the internal type.  The internal class should have a no-args constructor.

3.  Push all fields down to the new class by  moving the fields .

4. Add a method called build that returns the internal type.

5.  Replace all calls of the form getProperty()  with

x= ;;

It is important to use the local variable, and to share it amongst all the places in the code that reference the local object.  If you don’t you will end up with one instance per reference, probably not what you want.

6.  Remove the getProperty methods on the builder.

7.  Give the internal class a constructor that takes all of its fields as parameters.  It should throw a standard exception if one of the parameters is null.

8.  Change the build method so that it returns a new instance, that gets all of its fields set via the new constructor.  This instance should just use the fields in the internal instance of the (soon-to-be) immutable inner object.  You will have to provide dummy initializers for the newly immutable fields.  The build method should thrown an exception if any of the values are missing or invalid.  It is usually required that you return all errors, not just the first one.  Thus this exception requires a collection of other errors.  These can be exceptions, or some other custom type, depending on the needs of your application.

9.   For each setProperty method on the builder, provide a copy of the field in the buidler object.  Make the corresponding field in the inner object immutable, and change the build method to use the field in the builder instead.

10. When you have finished step 9, you should have an immutable inner object. Provide an appropriate copy constructor.

11. Remove the no-args constructor from the immutable object.

12. remove the default values for the immutable fields.

You can now create a new builder object based on a map.  The keys of the map should be the names of the fields of the builder.  The Build method pulls the elements out of the map and uses them as the parameters for the constructor. This approach showcases one of the great limitations of Java introspection:  Parameter names are lost after compilation.  We only have access to the types and the order of the parameter names.  Thus, maintaining this map would be error prone.

A more performant approach is to extend the builder object above with a setProperty(String, String) method that sets the values of the builder fields directly.

Any Java object can act as a map if you use introspection.  Thus, you could do what the Bean API does and munge the key into the form “setX” by changeing the case on the first letter of the key name, and then calling


You could also use  property introspection like this:


Since you are using introspection, even though you are inside the class that should have access to private members, Java treats you as an outsider.  You can either drop permissions on the fields at compile time by making them public, or do so at runtime using one of various hacks.

This is one case where it makes sense to make the member fields public.  There is no information hiding going on here.  There may actually be some client codethat is better off calliing = x



In C++, we have fewer choices, as there is no way either at run time nor at compile time to provide an iteration through the fields of a class.  The best you can do is to create a map of functors.  The keys of the map are again the fields of the builder, the values are functions which set the fields.  You end up with a setProperty function on the builder that looks like:

void setProperty(String& key, Strin& value){



although with logic to handle erroneous keys.

A builder is a short lived, single threaded, mutable object.  It is up to the calling code to provide enough data to populate the builder.  The builder pattern works nicely with  inversion of control frameworks.  Code that uses an object should not call the builder directly, but rather fetch the object from the framework, where as code else where builds the object and adds it to the container.

If your code has interspersed sets and gets of properties, it is going to be really difficult to introduce the builder.  Chances are you are going to want to do additional refactorings to separate the concerns in your code.

Technology Overload

Here is the current list of technologies on my horizon, not all of which I am completely clueless:

  • JBossAS5
  • OSGi
  • Qpid/AMQP
  • JSF
  • Facelets
  • Seam
  • Git
  • Jopr/RHQ
  • Maven
  • EJB3/Hibernate
  • Portlets
  • Struts and Tiles…did this before but it has been a few years.
  • Jepp
  • JNA/JNAerator

Of course, there are also my completely unrelated side projects cpp-resolver and the bproc work, both of which go in completely differnt directions.    My brain hurts…but it is a good kind of hurt.  And yet, strangely, in my brain these all fit together into a single consistent whole.

Importing JBoss Application Server 5 code into Eclipse Take 2

I wasn’t super pleased with my results yesterday, so I kept plugging away.  Better results today.

  • Checked out sources.  This time, I made a backup copy.
  • ran mvn install in the jbossas directory
  • ran mvn eclipse:eclipse in the jbossas directory
  • imported the projects into eclipse.  Saw about 100 errors.
  • I had to exclude  a couple of things from the source paths by hand.

In two cases, I had errors that showed different versions of standard Java classes regarding CORBA and JAAS.  To get these to build correctly, I went to the Build Path popup and selected the Order and Export tab.  In both cases, the JRE directory was the last one listed.  I moved it to the top of the list.  I suspect that some scripting is in order to reorder these in all of the .classpath files.  However, once again, I have a project with no errors.

I notice that most of the projects refer to the jar files built from previous projects as opposed to depending on the projects themselves.  Everything has been installed in M2_REPO, and is fetched from there as well.  This is astep above installing in /thirdparty.

Importing JBoss Application Server 5 code into Eclipse

I’ve been battling getting JBoss source to import into eclipse for a couple of days now.  I just got the project to show no errors.   Here’s the steps I took.

Checked the project out from Subversion:

svn co jbossas

Built using maven install.  Note that I have a local install of Maven at ~/apps/maven which is version 2.0.9, higher than the 2.0.4 from the Fedora 11 repo.

I created a file ~/.m2/settings.xml and populated it with the JBoss repo information.  I’ll include a link.

Opened the Galileo version of Eclipse JEE. Created a vanilla workspace.

Importing the workspace into Eclipse showed many issues, mostly dealing with bad classpaths.  If you look at the .classpath files for each of the sub proejcts, you will see that they refer to libs in /thirdparty/. This is the local maven repository defined in a pom.xml in the project.  However, the maven build puts them under the thirdparty subproject inside of your build, leading to most of the projects having the majority of their references unmet.

Open up the buildpath for a project.  Click on the libraries tab and create a new variable.  This variable, which I called THIRD_PARTY points to your jbossas/thirdparty directory.

Close eclipse to safely munge the .classpaths.

I ran variations of the following bash commands to rewire the dependencies.

for CLASSPATH in `find . -name .classpath `; do awk ‘/thirdparty/ {    sub ( “kind=\”lib\””, “kind=\”var\”” ); sub ( “/thirdparty” , “THIRD_PARTY” ) ; print $0  }  $0 !~ /thirdparty/ { print $0 } ‘ < $CLASSPATH > $  ; mv $ $CLASSPATH  ;   ; done

Note that I should have used gsub instead of sub, as there are two instances of converting /thirparty to THIRD_PARTY:   path  and sourcepath.  Instead, I ran the command twice.

Reopening the project in eclipse showed a slew of build problems due to multiple definitions of the same jar files.  Argh!

Close eclipse.

Run the following bash command to get rid of multiples.

for CLASSPATH in `find . -name .classpath `; do awk ‘$0 != PREVLINE { print $0 } {PREVLINE=$0 }’ < $CLASSPATH  > $ ; mv $ $CLASSPATH  ; done

I’m sure there is a better way of getting rid of duplicate lines, but this worked well enough.  When I reopened the proejct, most of the duplicate library build errors were gone.  I deleted the rest by hand on individual projects libraries page.

The next set of errors involved the source paths being incorrectly set up for generated code.  Again, I mopdified these by hand:

A svn diff shows these changes in the .classpath files to be of the form

-    <classpathentry kind=”src” path=”output/gen-src”/>

I’ve been battling getting JBoss source to import into eclipse for a couple of days now.  I just got the project to show no errors.   Here’s the steps I took.

Checked the project out from Subversion:

svn co jbossas

Built using maven install.  Note that I have a local install of Maven at ~/apps/maven which is version 2.0.9, higher than the 2.0.4 from the Fedora 11 repo.

I created a file ~/.m2/settings.xml and populated it with the JBoss repo information.  I’ll include a link.

Opened the Galileo version of Eclipse JEE. Created a vanilla workspace.

Importing the workspace into Eclipse showed many issues, mostly dealing with bad classpaths.  If you look at the .classpath files for each of the sub proejcts, you will see that they refer to libs in /thirdparty/. This is the local maven repository defined in a pom.xml in the project.  However, the maven build puts them under the thirdparty subproject inside of your build, leading to most of the projects having the majority of their references unmet.

Open up the buildpath for a project.  Click on the libraries tab and create a new variable.  This variable, which I called THIRD_PARTY points to your jbossas/thirdparty directory.

Close eclipse to safely munge the .classpaths.

I ran variations of the following bash commands to rewire the dependencies.

for CLASSPATH in `find . -name .classpath `; do awk ‘/thirdparty/ {    sub ( “kind=\”lib\””, “kind=\”var\”” ); sub ( “/thirdparty” , “THIRD_PARTY” ) ; print $0  }  $0 !~ /thirdparty/ { print $0 } ‘ < $CLASSPATH > $  ; mv $ $CLASSPATH  ;   ; done

Note that I should have used gsub instead of sub, as there are two instances of converting /thirparty to THIRD_PARTY:   path  and sourcepath.  Instead, I ran the command twice.

Reopening the project in eclipse showed a slew of build problems due to multiple definitions of the same jar files.  Argh!

Close eclipse.

Run the following bash command to get rid of multiples.

for CLASSPATH in `find . -name .classpath `; do awk ‘$0 != PREVLINE { print $0 } {PREVLINE=$0 }’ < $CLASSPATH  > $ ; mv $ $CLASSPATH  ; done

I’m sure there is a better way of getting rid of duplicate lines, but this worked well enough.  When I reopened the proejct, most of the duplicate library build errors were gone.  I deleted the rest by hand on individual projects libraries page.

The next set of errors involved the source paths being incorrectly set up for generated code.  Again, I mopdified these by hand:

A svn diff shows these changes in the .classpath files to be of the form

+    <classpathentry kind=”src” path=”target/generated-sources/idl”/>

-    <classpathentry kind=”src” path=”output/gen-src”/>

The final changes involved adding in excludes rules in the source paths for certain files that do not build.  These can be gleaned from the pom.xml files. For instance

./varia/pom.xml:                <exclude>org/jboss/varia/stats/*</exclude>

I was never able to get the embedded project to build correctly.  I closed that project and ignored it.

I had to create a couple of test classes for the test code to compile as well:  MySingleton and  I suspect that these should be generated or just didn’t get checked in.  Obviously, this didn’t break the Maven build.

Now I just need to figure out how to run it.

Context Map of an Application

Of all of the inversion of control containers I’ve come across, the one that most matches how I like to develop is Pico container. What I like best about it is that I can code in Java from start to finish. I don’t like switching to a different language in order to define my dependencies. Spring and JBoss have you define your dependencies in XML, which means that all of the Java tools know nothing about it, and javac can’t check your work. You don’t know until run time if you made a mistake.

One reason people like XML is it gives a place to look. You know that you are looking for the strategy used to create an object. The web.xml file provides you a starting point to say “Ah, they are using the struts servlet, let me look for the struts config XML file, and then….” Of course, this implies that you know servlets and struts. Come at a project with no prior knowledge puts you into murkier waters.

An application has a dynamic and a static aspect to it. The dynamic aspect can be captured in a snapshot of the register state, the stack, the heap, and the open files. The static structure is traditionally seen as the code, but that view is a little limiting. Tools like UML and ER Diagrams give you a visual representation easier to digest. We need a comparable view for IofC.

Many applications have a structure of a directed acyclic graph. The servlet model has components that are scoped global, application, session, request, and page. Each tier of the component model lives a shorter lifetime than the next higher level. However, this general model only provides context in terms of http, not in context of your actual application. For instance, if you have a single page that has two forms, and wish to register two components that represents a button, there is no way to distinguish which form the button is inside. Or, if an application has multiple databases, say one for user authentication and a different one for content, but both are registered as application scoped components, the programmer has to resort to naming the components in order to keep them separate.  While it is not uncommon to have multiple instances of the same class inside of a context scope, keeping the scope small allows the developer to use simple naming schemes to keep them distinct, and that naming scheme itself can make sense within the context of the application. For example, if an application reads from two files, one containing historical user data and one containing newly discovered user information,  and performs a complex merge of the application into an output file, the three objects that represent the files can be  named based on the expected content of the files as well as their role.  If there is another portion of the application that does a something like this, but with product data, and the two parts really have little to no commonality of code, the file objects will end up getting the context as part of the registration.

  • fetchHistoricalUserDataFile
  • fetchNewUserDataFile
  • fetchHistoricalProductDataFile
  • fetchNewProductDataFile

Note now that the application developer must be aware of the components registered elsewhere in the application to deconflict  names, and that we start depending on naming conventions, and other processes that inhibit progress and don’t scale.

We see a comparable concept in the Java package concept.  I don’t have to worry about conflicting class names, so long as the two classes are in separate packages.

To define an application, then, each section should have a container.  The container should have a parent that determines the scope of resolution.  The application developer should be comfortable in defining new containers for new scopes.  Two things that need access to the same object need to be contained inside of descendants of the container of that dependency.

A tool to make this much more manageable would produce a javadoc like view of the application.  It would iterate through each of the containers, from parent down the tree, and show what classes were registered, and under what names.  This would provide a much simpler view of the overall application than traversing through XML files.

Dependency Collectors

Certain portions of an application function as a registration point, whether they are in the native language of the project or a configuration file read in. These files provide a valuable resource to the code spelunker. For instance, when starting to understand a Java web archive, the standard directory structure with WEB-INF/web.xml provides a very valuable starting point. Just as reading C Code you can start with main. The dependency Collections often are an xml file, like struts-config.xml, or the Startup portion of a Servlet.

The concept in Inversion of Control is that you separate the creation policy of the object from from the object itself, such that the two can be varied independently. Often, a project that otherwise does a decent job of cutting dependencies via IofC will build a dependency collector as a way to register all of the factories for the components. The xml files that Spring uses to define all of the control functions are dependency collectors just as surely as a C++ file with an endless Init function that calls “registerFactory” for each component in the inventory.

As you might be able to tell from my tone, I respect the usefulness of the dependency collector, but still feel that there is a mistake in design here. In C++, you can specify a chunk of code guaranteed to run before main that will initialize your factories, so the language provides support for IofC. In Java, classes can have static blocks, but this code only get executed if the class file is somehow referenced, which means this is not a suitable mechanism for registering factories. The common approach of using XML and Introspection for factory registration violates the principle of not postponing until runtime that which should be done at compile/link time.

So I give myself two goals. 1) To find a suitable Java based mechanism for registering factories and 2) to provide a method to compensate for the lack of orientation that a dependency collector provides.

Using JNA with librpm

Much has changed in the Java world since my last professional project in Java. One significant advance has been in native bindings. JNA-Java Native Access, is a much more straightforward approach than the old Java Native Interface approach. As a prrof of concept, I tried reading the information in my systems RPM database using librpm and the code generated by JNAEATOR from the rpm headers in /usr/include/rpm.

Here’s how I generated the headers in the first place.

java -jar ~/Download/jnaerator-v0.8-b519.jar -I /usr/include/linux -package rpm -library rpm /usr/include/rpm/*

This was overkill, but, as we all know, you can never have too much overkill.  I forced them all into a single package (called rpm for now) and forced them all into a single inteface in  rpm/

Here is a simple unit test proviong that it works.  I don’t claim that this doesn’t leak memory, won’t corrupt your database, or steal your wallet.  Caveat Coder. It isn’t even a decent unit test.

package rpmdb;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import rpm.RpmLibrary;
import rpm.RpmLibrary.headerToken_s;
import rpm.RpmLibrary.rpmdbMatchIterator_s;
import rpm.RpmLibrary.rpmts_s;

import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;

public class RpmdbTest extends TestCase {

public void testReadDbPath() {
int status = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmReadConfigFiles((ByteBuffer) null,
assertEquals(0, status);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(“%_dbpath”.getBytes());

String value = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmExpand(buffer, (Object[]) null);

System.out.println(“Value of macro is ” + value);


public void testReadFromDB() {

int status = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmReadConfigFiles((ByteBuffer) null,
assertEquals(0, status);

rpmts_s ts = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmtsCreate();

rpmdbMatchIterator_s iter = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmtsInitIterator(ts,
rpm.RpmLibrary.rpmTag_e.RPMTAG_NAME, “java-1.6.0-openjdk”,
new NativeLong(0));
headerToken_s header;
while ((header = RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.rpmdbNextIterator(iter)) != null) {
PointerByReference namePtr = new PointerByReference();
PointerByReference releasePtr = new PointerByReference();
PointerByReference versionPtr = new PointerByReference();
RpmLibrary.INSTANCE.headerNVR(header, namePtr, versionPtr,
System.out.println(“Name    = “+ namePtr.getValue().getString(0));
System.out.println(“release = “+ releasePtr.getValue().getString(0));
System.out.println(“version = “+ versionPtr.getValue().getString(0));

if (ts != null) {

I did have to massage some of the generated code by hand:  rpmExpand returned a BytePointerByReference, and modifying the method signature to a return a String worked fine.