Git and SVN for PKI

I’ve been working with the PKI/Dogtag code for a while. Over the past couple years, I’ve been more and more comfortable with Git. PKI uses SVN as a centralized Repository. Since Git SVN integration is fairly mature, I’ve been using that to manage my coding. On Monday, I gave a presentation to my team on Git SVN.  I’ve taken the outline from the slides and included it here.
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Updating a certificate for a FreeIPA web server

As I install, uninstall, and re-install FreeIPA, I start getting:sec_error_reused_issuer_and_serial. This used to be a minor annoyance, solved by clearing the certificates out of, and restarting, the browser.  Recent versions of Firefox have complained even after doing this, leading to the current approach: clear your browser cache.  Instead, you can update the certificate on the web server, and this should give you a cert with a new serial number, and avoid the error message.

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