RFI: SPEGNO multiple requests

From what we are seeing and what I’ve read, the browser seems to send a JSON request with no Auth info, and then the whole SPEGNO handshake takes place, turning what should be a single request response into (at a minimum) two.  It seems to me that we should be able to avoid that after the initial auth has taken place.

Is there any way to cache SPEGNO information such that successive JSON RPC calls provide the needed information automatically, instead of requiring multiple round trips per request?

Any Fedora people worked with this stuff and know how to optimize it?  Do I need to revert to a Cookie based approach?


This little script will give you the ipv4 address for a given network interface, or list all of them if you leave the parameter blank:



/sbin/ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep “inet addr” | cut -d\: -f 2 | cut -d” ” -f 1

Call it like this:

~/bin/interface2addr eth0

My Ideal Technology Setup for work

“Since I’m dreaming, I’d like a pony” –Susie, in Calvin and Hobbes.

“I’m not just the President of the Hair Club for Men, I’m also a client.” –President of the Hair Club for Men

Not only do I write software, I use it. A whole bunch. I am a Linux guy, and when ever I end up in a situation where I have to work around a proprietary solution that just doesn’t make sense for what I am trying to do, it ads a point or two to my Diastolic. So here is my dream setup:

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