About Adam Young

Once upon a time I was an Army Officer, but that was long ago. Now I work as a Software Engineer. I climb rocks, play saxophone, and spend way too much time in front of a computer.

Querying the PCCT in Python

The Platform Communication Channel Table contains information used to send messages in a shared memory buffer between the Operating System and other subsystems on the platform. Typically, the Channel has an interrupt defined that is used to tell the other subsystem that there is new data available.

Recently, I’ve been working with a couple entries that are of a newer type. In addition to the shared memory region and the interrupt values, the PCCT entries for type 3 and type 4 channels also have a series of registers. Where before the PCCT entries were normalized, now they are hierarchical. This makes them a little harder to scan with the human eye to confirm that the proper values have been recorded and read.

To simplify development, I build a simple script.

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Written By Adam Young.

This is a short story I wrote my Sophomore year at West Point. It was originally published in “The Circle in the Spiral” the one and only edition of the West Point literary magazine, published in early 1991. Apologies for in anachronisms. More on that later

Title in the Original publishing
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Building a Kernel RPM with the Built-in Makefile target

Note that you need to have a .config file that will be included in the build. It will also use the Version as specified in your Makefile. Then run

make rpm-pkg

Which will use the RPM build infra set up for your user to put the rpm in $HOME/rpmbuild/

Edit: Note that a bunch of dependencies are needed to get the Kernel to build. If you run the above command and it fails out with a message that you are missing a dependency, you can use this pair of commands to get the yum-build dep tool installed, and use that to install the dependencies as listed by the generated kernel.spec file.

wget https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/kernel/raw/rawhide/f/kernel.spec
yum install dnf-utils
yum-builddep ./kernel.spec