About Adam Young

Once upon a time I was an Army Officer, but that was long ago. Now I work as a Software Engineer. I climb rocks, play saxophone, and spend way too much time in front of a computer.

Updated MCTP send code

While the existing documentation is good, there are a couple things that have changed since it was originally written, and I had to make a couple minor adjustments to get it to work. Here’s the code to send a message. The receive part should work as originally published; what is important is the set of headers. I built and ran this on an AARCH64 platform running Fedora 38.

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socket system call from python

While the Python socket API is mature, it does not yet support MCTP. I thought I would thus try to make a call from python into native code. The first step is to create a socket. Here is my code to do that.

Note that this is not the entire C code needed to make network call, just the very first step.I did include the code to read errno if the call fails.

from ctypes import *
libc = CDLL("/lib64/libc.so.6")
AF_MCTP = 45
rc = libc.socket (AF_MCTP, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
#print("rc = %d " % rc)
get_errno_loc = libc.__errno_location
get_errno_loc.restype = POINTER(c_int)
errno = get_errno_loc()[0]
print("rc = %d errno =  %d" % (rc, errno)   )

Running this code on my machine shows success

# ./spdm.py 
rc = 3 errno =  0

Round Trip with MCTP over PCC

The future Ampere System-on-a-chip that is the basis for my work has a couple of processors that are for providing system wide services, not for end users to run things on directly. One of these is called the Management Processor, or Mpro. We have to talk to one of these services from the operating system using the Management Control Transport Protocol, or MCTP, over a Platform Communication Channel (PCC).

I just sent ran a user-land program that sends a message via a socket into the operating system, via PCC, to the MPro, and got a response back.

It took a while for it to sink in. And then I raised my hands in the air and proclaimed in my Best Dr. Frankenstein voice,

“It’s Alive!”

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Building a Fedora Based Linux Kernel

We have a few different ways we build a Kernel for internal consumption. One is very minimal, to be used when space is at a premium. Another is very closely based on the Fedora configuration to be used as a replacement Kernel for a Fedora install. While we do provide our team with RPMs to install, development often requires building from source. I’ve done this (and forgotten steps) enough times to want to have a quick reference. The following should work on a recent Fedora install.

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