Converting policy.yaml to a list of dictionaries

The policy .yaml file generated from oslo has the following format:

# Intended scope(s): system
#"identity:update_endpoint_group": "rule:admin_required"
# Delete endpoint group.
# DELETE /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"identity:delete_endpoint_group": "rule:admin_required"

This is not very useful for anything other than feeding to oslo-policy to enforce. If you want to use these values for anything else, it would be much more useful to have each rule as a dictionary, and all of the rules in a list. Here is a little bit of awk to help out:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {apilines=0; print("---")}
/#"/ {
    if (api == 1){
	printf("  ")
	printf("- ")
  split ($0,array,"\"")
  print ("rule:", array[2]);
  print ("  check:", array[4]);
/# / {api=1;}
/^$/ {api=0; apilines=0;}
api == 1 && apilines == 0 {print ("- description:" substr($0,2))}
/# GET/  || /# DELETE/ || /# PUT/ || /# POST/ || /# HEAD/ || /# PATCH/ {
     print ("  " $2 ": " $3)
api == 1 { apilines = apilines +1 }

I have it saved in mungepolicy.awk. I ran it like this:

cat etc/keystone.policy.yaml.sample | ./mungepolicy.awk > /tmp/keystone.access.yaml

And the output looks like this:

- rule: admin_required
  check: role:admin or is_admin:1
- rule: service_role
  check: role:service
- rule: service_or_admin
  check: rule:admin_required or rule:service_role
- rule: owner
  check: user_id:%(user_id)s
- rule: admin_or_owner
  check: rule:admin_required or rule:owner
- rule: token_subject
  check: user_id:%(target.token.user_id)s
- rule: admin_or_token_subject
  check: rule:admin_required or rule:token_subject
- rule: service_admin_or_token_subject
  check: rule:service_or_admin or rule:token_subject
- description: Show application credential details.
  GET: /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials/{application_credential_id}
  HEAD: /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials/{application_credential_id}
  rule: identity:get_application_credential
  check: rule:admin_or_owner
- description: List application credentials for a user.
  GET: /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials
  HEAD: /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials
  rule: identity:list_application_credentials
  check: rule:admin_or_owner

Which is valid yaml. It might be a pain to deal with the verbs in separate keys. Ideally, that would be a list, too, but this will work for starters.

Running OpenStack components on RHEL with Software Collections

The Python world has long since embraced Python3.  However, the stability guarantees of RHEL have limited it to Python2.7 as the base OS.  Now that I am running RHEL on my laptop, I have to find a way to work with Python 3.5 in order to contribute to OpenStack.  To further constrain myself, I do not want to “pollute” the installed python modules by using PIP to mix and match between upstream and downstream.  The solution is the Software Collections version of Python 3.5.  Here’s how I got it to work.

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Requirements for an OpenStack Access Control Policy Management Tool

“We need a read only role.”

It seems like such a simple requirement.  Users have been requesting a read-only role for several years now.  Why is it so tough to implement?   Because it calls for  modifying access control policy across multiple, disjoint services deployed at innumerable distinct locations.

“We need help in modifying policy to implement our own read only role.”

This one is a little bit more attainable.  We should be able to provide better tools to help people customize their policy.  What should that look like?

We gathered some information at the last summit, and I am going to try and distill it to a requirements document here.

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Command line VPN connection

I need to connect to my office via VPN. Fedora has a point and click interface, but I am trying to minimize mouse usage. So, instead I have a small bash function that does it for me.

I has an OTP that I need to enter in, so I have nmcli prompt me.

$ cat `which vpn_up `
nmcli --ask c up "Raleigh (RDU2)"

Tracking Quota

This OpenStack summit marks the third that I have attended where we’ve discussed the algorithms to try and record quota in Keystone but not update it on each resource allocation and free.

We were stumped, again. The process we had planned on using was game-able and thus broken. I was kinda bummed.

Fortunately, I had a long car ride from Vancouver to Seattle and talked it over with Morgan Fainberg.

We also discussed the Pig War. Great piece of history from the region.

By the time we got to the airport the next day, I think we had it solved. Morgan came to the solution first, and I followed, slowly. Here’s what we think will work.

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Minicom to a Juniper SRX-220

Cluster computing requires a cluster of computers. For the past several years, I have been attempting to get work down without having a home cluster. This is no longer tenable, and I need to build my own.

One of the requirements for a home cluster is a progammable network device. I’ve purchased a second hand Junper SRC22.

Juniper SRX 220

Juniper SRX 220

Here are my configuration notes.
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