M<y local PXE setup only puts the minimal set of RPMS on a machine. If want to install additional, I need to get access to the rest of the Repo. Here is what I did:
The Repo used to install is exposed via HTTPS, and is accessable to the operating system after install. I used Red Hat IDM to provision the certificates for the PXE server, so I need to get that Cert inot the local store:
curl -k -O https://nuzleaf.home.younglogic.net/ipa/config/ca.crt cp ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors update-ca-trust |
Once I can curl to the web server without using the -k option, I can then set up a Yum Repo file. I need both BaseOS and App Stream so my repo file looks like this:
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo [nuzleaf] baseurl=https://nuzleaf.home.younglogic.net/rhel8.2/BaseOS gpgkey=https://nuzleaf.home.younglogic.net/rhel8.2/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2.0 mediaid=None metadata_expire=-1 gpgcheck=0 cost=500 [nuzleafapps] baseurl=https://nuzleaf.home.younglogic.net/rhel8.2/AppStream gpgkey=https://nuzleaf.home.younglogic.net/rhel8.2/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2.0 AppStream mediaid=None metadata_expire=-1 gpgcheck=0 cost=500 |
Note that the baseurl is the one I used for the PXE install with AppStream or BaseOS added.