The Sax Doctor

Distinctive ring that holds the bell of a Selmer Paris Saxophone to the main body of the horn.

Ring of a Selmer Paris Saxophone

Dropped my Sax off at Emilio Lyon’s house and workshop. My folks bought it for me from him at Rayburn Music in Boston back when I was a High School Freshman. I still remember him pointing to the sticker on it that indicated “This is my work.”

As someone who loves both the saxophone and working with my hands, I have to admit I was looking forward to meeting him. I was even a little nervous. He has a great reputation. Was he going to chastise me for the state of my horn? It hadn’t been serviced in…way too long. I was a little worried that the lack of changing the oil on the rods would have worn down some of the metal connections.
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Dynamic Policy in Keystone

Ever get that feeling that an epiphany is right around the corner? I spent a good portion of the OpenStack summit with that feeling. I knew that it would not be earth shattering, or lead me to want to rewrite Keystone, but rather a clarification of how a bunch of things should fall together. The “click” happened on the second to last day, and it can be summarized in a few key points.
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