
The term Liveness here refers to the  need to ensure that the data used to make an authorization check is valid at the time of the check.

The mistake I made with PKI tokens was in not realizing how important Liveness was.  The mistake was based on the age old error of confusing authentication with authorization.  Since a Keystone token is used for both, I was confused into thinking that the primary importance was on authentication, but the reality is that the most important thing a token tells you is information essential to making an authorization decision. Continue reading

Bypassing Version Discovery in Keystoneauth1

I’ve been a happy Dreamhost customer for many years.  So I was thrilled when I heard that they had upgrade Dreamcompute to Mitaka.  So, like the good Keystoner that I am, I went to test it out.  Of course, I tried to use the V3 API.   And it failed.

What?  Dreamhost wouldn’t let me down, would they?

No.  V3 works fine, it is discovery that is misconfigured.
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Installing FreeIPA in as few lines as possible

I had this in another post, but I think it is worth its own.

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static undercloud.ayoung-dell-t1700.test
export address=`ip -4 addr  show eth0 primary | awk '/inet/ {sub ("/24" ,"" , $2) ; print $2}'`
echo $address `hostname` | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
sudo yum -y install ipa-server-dns
export P=FreIPA4All
ipa-server-install -U -r `hostname -d|tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` -p $P -a $P --setup-dns `awk '/^name/ {print "--forwarder",$2}' /etc/resolv.conf`

Just make sure you have enough entropy.

De-conflicting Swift-Proxy with FreeIPA

Port 8080 is a popular port. Tomcat uses it as the default port for unencrypted traffic. FreeIA, installs Dogtag which runs in Tomcat. Swift proxy also chose that port number for its traffic. This means that if one is run on that port, the other cannot. Of the two, it is easier to change FreeIPA, as the port is only used for internal traffic, where as Swift’s port is in the service catalog and the documentation.
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Clearing the Keystone Environment

If you spend a lot of time switching between different cloud, different users, or even different projects for the same user when working with openstack, you’ve come across the problem where one environment variable from an old sourceing pollutes the current environment.  I’ve been hit by that enough times that I wrote a small script to clear the environment.

I call it clear_os_env
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