Deploying Server on Ironic Node Baseline

My team is working on the ability to automatically enroll servers launched from Nova in FreeIPA. Debugging the process has proven challenging;  when things fail, the node does not come up, and there is little error reporting.  This article posts a baseline of what things look like prior to any changes, so we can better see what we are breaking.

UPDATE: The command I ended up using to test this is:

openstack server create --flavor control --image overcloud-full testserver --nic net-id=ctlplane --key-name default

Since the reported error is that the port attach failed, I want to see what ports to expect.

$ . ./stackrc 
[stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack port list
| ID | Name | MAC Address | Fixed IP Addresses |
| eb32c2a9-9bd8-45bb-929a-ed626b845e3e | | fa:16:3e:92:32:94 | ip_address='', subnet_id='2a0bf352-1b8f-469b-bb55-cf6e193d5a4d' |

Prior to deploying a server, there is one port.

Deploying a server:

openstack server create --flavor control --image overcloud-full testserver --nic net-id=ctlplane --key-name default

Gives us a new port

$ openstack port list
| ID | Name | MAC Address | Fixed IP Addresses |
| 08dbcf34-6ac0-4edb-9079-93b2aced5afa | | 00:0d:25:4f:b1:f8 | ip_address='', subnet_id='2a0bf352-1b8f-469b-bb55-cf6e193d5a4d' |
| eb32c2a9-9bd8-45bb-929a-ed626b845e3e | | fa:16:3e:92:32:94 | ip_address='', subnet_id='2a0bf352-1b8f-469b-bb55-cf6e193d5a4d' |


Node list:

$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID                                 | Name      | Instance UUID                        | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| d6604837-b374-4ae2-9ad0-ff0d98c3119b | control-0 | fd60daf3-65fc-44bf-8f90-89b127e67e56 | power on    | active             | False       |
| e5c3e3a1-e466-411d-8707-652fdb87af54 | compute-0 | None                                 | power off   | available          | False       |

Can log in with ssh:

ssh centos@

After deleting ther server with:

openstack server delete testserver

Back to one port

$ openstack port list
| ID                                   | Name | MAC Address       | Fixed IP Addresses                                                       |
| eb32c2a9-9bd8-45bb-929a-ed626b845e3e |      | fa:16:3e:92:32:94 | ip_address='', subnet_id='2a0bf352-1b8f-469b-bb55-cf6e193d5a4d' |

Nodes are freed up and unassigned

$ openstack baremetal node list
| UUID                                 | Name      | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| d6604837-b374-4ae2-9ad0-ff0d98c3119b | control-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| e5c3e3a1-e466-411d-8707-652fdb87af54 | compute-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |

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