Obamacare Website Inspired Rant

I’ve been in tech a while now, and been through a couple of Web site launches, though not for a long time. Technology has glitches, and they get fixed, and then you find the next round. You find out problems when you have users. So, go to the ACA web site, beat the snot out of that thing and report it.

But I will say this: it should be an open source code base. There are a lot of people that want to see this thing succeed, and being able to look at the code is the best way to make that happen. Linus Torvalds, of Linux fame, once said “With enough eyes, all bugs are shallow.” We’ve lived for a long time with the effects of having technology handed to us and being commanded to consume it. “Would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?” And yet, time and time again, that is what we are asked to do.

Why do I make my life harder by using only Linux? Because there is nothing more important to Freedom than information, and nothing more important to free information than having control over the machine that controls your information. Yes, I have to deal with Android, which is sort of Linux, and sort of a black box. I used WebOS (Palm) as long as I could. I do not use Apple products and I do not Use Microsoft products because, when it comes down to it, I want access to my tools.

I wood carve because I like the ability to take a raw material and make something out of it. For thousands of years, we only had simple things that came from the earth. The magic of the smith was available to any that would learn it. Or of the wainwright, or the carpenter. We could fashion our environment with only the tools from our environment. Now we live in a world where these tools are three and for layers abstracted from us. The primary tool that does all this abstraction is the computer. A simple tool that does little more than fetches two numbers from memory, performs basic arithmetic on those numbers, and stores them back in memory. And from this simplest of rules we have machines that can keep us safe , or that can manipulate a tool to fashion a block of wood into whatever shape we can dream of…or anyone can.

Apples was a has-been company until it gave up on trying to write its own preemptive multitasking operating system and decided to build on top of an Open Source one. Its biggest competitor, Microsoft, once capable of putting the final nail in the coffin, bailed it out. Now that same competitor finds itself being edged out of the very market it dominated. At the low end and at the high end, machines built on a foundation of Open Source have ushered in an era of greater stability in computing. Do we forget how we railed against the blue-screen-of-death?

And the Web, that greatest of communication mediums that we have found to date, what made it successful? Open Standards and Open Source. On the server side, sites were powered by Apache, and a slew of nascent new programming languages. Not all was open source. The browser was not, and we saw huge browser incompatibilities. The Netscape/Microsoft battle left Netscape in ruins, but the code that they posted, the Mozilla browser, finally gave us a completely Open Source stack, from Operating System, to user interface, to server, for so many services.

So, yeah, the website that is a key piece of the ACA has problems. Most major web sites do when they are launched. Most minor ones do to. And by most, I mean all. The opponents of the ACA point to it as an example of Government incompetence. Nah. I see it as the latest example of a poor approach to information management. You want security? Use publicly analyzed algorithms and keep your keys secret. You want a solid web site…open the code, and build the security measures on top of best practices. doesn’t matter if you are huge or tiny, if you are doing something brand new, or just exposing your pictures to your friends over the internet.

Of course, as I type this, I realize it is much too long as a rant for Facebook status, and it is something I want to keep. It is mine; I will post it on my blog, running Word Press, on a Linux system running Debian (a competitor to where I work in all the right ways) and finish editing it in emacs. Only then will post it on Facebook.

Linking Launchpad and Bugzilla

While the Bugzilla command line tool does a lot of useful things, one feature it is missing is the ability to link a bug to an upstream bug in a remote tracker. Working with the Web UI can be slow. Martin Kozek, of FreeIPA fame, wrote a simple Python program to link them together for me using direct XML-API calls. Thanks Martin:

# Authors:
#   Martin Kosek: mkosek@redhat.com
# Copyright (C) 2013  Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

import bugzilla
import sys
import xmlrpclib

URL = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'
USER = 'user@redhat.com'
PASSWORD = 'bar'

    bz_id = int(sys.argv[1])
    launchpad_id = int(sys.argv[2])
except Exception:
    sys.exit("Usage: bz_lp_link bz_id lp_id")

proxy = bugzilla.RHBugzilla3(url=URL, user=USER, password=PASSWORD)


         'external_bugs': [{'ext_type_id': LAUNCHPAD_TRACKER_ID,
                            'ext_bz_bug_id': launchpad_id}]
except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:

Who holds the keys to the Kingdom

During the years I worked as a Web application developer, it seemed like every application had its own authentication mechanism. An application developer is thinking in terms of the domain model for their application whether it be eCommerce, Systems management, photography, or weblogs. Identity Management is a cross cutting concern, and it is hard to get right. Why, then, do so many applications have “user” tables in their databases?
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Read Only LDAP in Keystone

Organizational data is held in publicly accessible directories accessed via the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP).  In general, the end applications have the ability to query via  LDAP, but not update it.  Up until Grizzly the OpenStack Identity management Service, Keystone, has required write access to the backing store if you wanted to be able to manage authorization from within OpenStack.  This mismatch has been addressed in Havana

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Autoregistering an OpenStack Virtual Machine with FreeIPA

FreeIPA offers many benefits to an OpenStack deployment: Single Sign on and DNS-as-a-Service among others. In order to take advantage of freeIPA, the new host needs to be registered with the FreeIPA server. Here’s how to automate the process.

I started out with a FreeIPA server deployed in an a virtual machine inside out teams OpenStack based cloud. The server manages a domain that I have taken the liberty of calling openstack.freeipa.org. This is a non-public deployment, so don’t expect to resolve the DNS records yourself. However, IPA likes to work with Fully Qualified Domain Names, so I created one that is self documenting.

For my virtual machines images, I am using the Fedora 19 Cloud image. This is a very bare bones virtual machine.

The general steps to take in order to deploy are:

  1. Allocate a Floating IP address
  2. Generate an One Time Password (OTP)
  3. Create a Host entry in FreeIPA, using the IP Address and OTP
  4. Generate a user-data script
  5. Boot the virtual machine
  6. wait until the machine is running
  7. Allocate the Floating IP address to the Virtual Machine

Once the virtual machine is running,  the user-data script performs the following tasks:

  1. Sets the hostname of the virtual machine to match the VM name and the domain name of the IPA server
  2. Sets the FreeIPA install as the DNS server
  3. install freeipa-client via Yum
  4. register the host using the OTP

Here is the code:

. ./keystone.rc

#These values should also come out of a configuration file:
#they are specific to your deployemnt


OTP=`uuidgen -r | sed 's/-//g'`

#this should be initialized if does not yet exisit: 
#the index is an integer.
#it provides a way to keep each VM unique

INDEX=`cat index.dat`

#get first floating IP
FLOAT_IP=`nova floating-ip-list | awk ' $4~/None/  {print $2 ; exit }' `

ipa host-add $VM_NAME.$DOMAIN --ip-address=$FLOAT_IP --password=$OTP

#increment  the index for next time
echo $(( $INDEX + 1 )) > index.dat

#Generate the user-data for postboot configuration
cat << END_HEREDOC > $VM_NAME.dat
echo $VM_NAME.$DOMAIN > /etc/hostname
hostname $VM_NAME.$DOMAIN
echo nameserver $NAMESERVER > /etc/resolv.conf
yum -y install freeipa-client
ipa-client-install -U -w $OTP

nova boot   --image $IMAGE_ID --flavor $FLAVOR_ID --key_name $PUBKEY --security_groups $SECGROUP  --user-data $VM_NAME.dat  $VM_NAME

#wait until the VM is out of the BUILD state before continuing
#otherwise, adding the floating IP might fail
while [ `nova show $VM_NAME | awk ' $2~ /status/ { print $4 }'` = BUILD ]
sleep 1
echo -n .
echo  adding floating IP address $FLOAT_IP to $VM_NAME

nova add-floating-ip $VM_NAME $FLOAT_IP

There is more work do be done, here. DHCP integration would be preferable to this manner of munging resolv.conf. Without that, the image need to be modified to prevent DHCP from updating the resolv.conf if the VM is ever rebooted.

Care must be taken when deleting the host entries allocated to virtual machines. Since they have DNS A records, IPA will complain if you attempt to reuse an IP address without first cleaning up the DNS A record. To delete a VM, remove it from both IPA and nova like this:

nova delete ayoung-31
ipa host-del ayoung-31 --updatedns

Special thanks to Jamie Lennox for editing support.

The Upcoming Year

Until a few decades ago, attendance at chapel was mandatory for all cadets at West Point. The Jewish cadets and officers used to meet in chapels for other denominations, or other buildings around the post. The Jewish Chapel was completed in the early 1980s, after chapel was no longer mandatory, but still highly encouraged. It provided a sanctuary unrivalled at West Point. The food alone was sufficient to encourage participation from beyond “The Tribe.”
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