As a developer, I install and uninstall the application I’m working on all the time. Back when I was working on FreeIPA full time, I had a couple of functions that I used to do an unattended install with some simple defaults. I recently cleaned them up a little. Since a few people have asked me for them, I’m posting them here.
Kerberos and Firewalls
Most datacenters block non-standard ports at their firewalls. This includes ports for lesser used protocols. The Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) listens on port 88 (TCP and UDP). Which means that, practically speaking, a machine cannot get a ticket over the public internet. Last summer, Robby Harwood interned here at Red Hat. Together, we put together a plan to address this.
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Keystone tox cheat sheet
While I grumbled when was deprecated with just a terse message to go read the docs about tox, I have since switched over. Here is my quick tox transition tutorial.
Kerberos, Federation, and Horizon
I’ve been looking in to enabling Kerberos for Horizon. Since Horizon passes the Users credentials on to Keystone to get a token, Kerberos requires an additional delegation mechanism. This leads to some questions about how to handle delegation in the case of Federated Identity.
Kerberos, Keystone Client, and S4U2Proxy
Since my eventual goal is to Kerberize Horizon, my next step after getting a CGI solution working was to make use of the Keystone client. Since the Kerberos auth plugin is still a work-in-progress, it required a little tweaking, but not all that much.
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Testing S4U2Proxy
S4U2Proxy for Horizon
I’ve got a packstack install, and a Kerberos-capable Keystone. Time to call it from Horizon. Time to set up S4U2Proxy.
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running the freeipa CLI from a non-client machine
A developer does things that are at odds with a production deployment. Case in point: the FreeIPA assumes that it should be run on an ipa-client machine. But as a developer, I need to talk to remote FreeIPA servers. Here’s how to make the CLI work without performing a client install.
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Keeping DHCP from changing the Nameserver
I’m running FreeIPA in an OpenStack lab. I don’t control the DHCP server. When a host renews its lease, the dhclient code overwrites the nameserver values in /etc/resolv.conf. To avoid this, I modified /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
interface "eth0" { prepend domain-name-servers; }
This makes sure my custom nameserver stays at the top of the list. Its a small hack that is perfect for developer work.
TGT Forwarding and cleanup
Kerberos provides single sign-on. However, if you don’t take care, you will end up having to do a kinit on a remote machine. Not a big deal, but the TGT on the remote machine will not necessarily be cleaned up when you log out.