Kerberos and Firewalls

Most datacenters block non-standard ports at their firewalls. This includes ports for lesser used protocols. The Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) listens on port 88 (TCP and UDP). Which means that, practically speaking, a machine cannot get a ticket over the public internet. Last summer, Robby Harwood interned here at Red Hat. Together, we put together a plan to address this.
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Keeping DHCP from changing the Nameserver

I’m running FreeIPA in an OpenStack lab. I don’t control the DHCP server. When a host renews its lease, the dhclient code overwrites the nameserver values in /etc/resolv.conf. To avoid this, I modified /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

interface "eth0" {
 prepend domain-name-servers;

This makes sure my custom nameserver stays at the top of the list. Its a small hack that is perfect for developer work.