When working with New APIS we need to test them with curl prior to writing the python client. I’ve often had to hand create the JSON used for the token request, as I wrote about way back here. Here is a simple bash script to convert the V3 environment variables into the JSON for a token request.
Deploying Fernet on the Overcloud
Here is a proof of concept of deploying an OpenStack Tripleo Overcloud using the Fernet token provider.
Deploying Server on Ironic Node Baseline
My team is working on the ability to automatically enroll servers launched from Nova in FreeIPA. Debugging the process has proven challenging; when things fail, the node does not come up, and there is little error reporting. This article posts a baseline of what things look like prior to any changes, so we can better see what we are breaking.
Running Qemu/KVM without libvirt
When I booted a VM yesterda, I noticed that there was a huge command line that showed up if I ran ps. I tried to run that by hand. It is huge, so I wrapped it with a script, but the command is not too bad to understand: everything that qemu needs to do needs to be passed in on the command line.
Running Unit Tests on Old Versions of Keystone
Just because Icehouse is EOL does not mean no one is running it. One part of my job is back-porting patches to older versions of Keystone that my Company supports.
A dirty secret is that we only package the code needed for the live deployment, though, not the unit tests. In the case of I need to test a bug fix against a version of Keystone that was, essentially, Upstream Icehouse.
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RBAC Policy Updates in Tripleo
Policy files contain the access control rules for an OpenStack deployment. The upstream policy files are conservative and restrictive; they are designed to be customized on the end users system. However, poorly written changes can potentially break security, their deployment should be carefully managed and monitored.
Since RBAC Policy controls access to the Keystone server, the Keystone policy files themselves are not served from a database in the Keystone server. They are, instead, configuration files, and managed via the deployment’s content management system. In a Tripleo based deployment, none of the other services use the policy storage in Keystone, either.
In Tripleo, the deployment of the overcloud is managed via Heat. the OpenStack Tripleo Heat templates have support for deploying files at the end of the install, and this matches how we need to deploy policy.
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Diagnosing Tripleo Failures Redux
Hardy Steven has provided an invaluable reference with his troubleshooting blog post. However, I recently had a problem that didn’t quite match what he was showing. Zane Bitter got me oriented.
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Tripleo HA Federation Proof-of-Concept
Keystone has supported identity federation for several releases. I have been working on a proof-of-concept integration of identity federation in a TripleO deployment. I was able to successfully login to Horizon via WebSSO, and want to share my notes.
A federation deployment requires changes to the network topology, Keystone, the HTTPD service, and Horizon. The various OpenStack deployment tools will have their own ways of applying these changes. While this proof-of-concept can’t be called production-ready, it does demonstrate that TripleO can support Federation using SAML. From this proof-of-concept, we should be to deduce the necessary steps needed for a production deployment.
Customizing a Tripleo Quickstart Deploy
Tripleo Heat Templates allow the deployer to customize the controller deployment by setting values in the controllerExtraConfig section of the stack configuration. However, Quickstart already makes use of this in the file /tmp/deploy_env.yaml, so if you want to continue to customize, you need to work with this file.
ControllerExtraConfig and Tripleo Quickstart
Once I have the undercloud deployed, I want to be able to quickly deploy and redeploy overclouds. However, my last attempt to affect change on the overcloud did not modify the Keystone config file the way I intended. Once again, Steve Hardy helped me to understand what I was doing wrong.