Long Refactoring: Generators

While the main solving function is now cleaned up, I am not very happy with the code that checks the validation on each cell.

I am not going to go through each step here, as the pattern is well established now. Pull out of the function anything that is a distractor. Once you have the heart of the algorithm, clean it up. Then put things back together.

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Getting a File from gitlab using a TOKEN

I work on a system in our lab that I connect to via SSH. Fetching a file via the web and pushing it to this machine is quite slow, and I want to pull on this machine directly. The trick to make this work is to use a TOKEN from gitlab and oauth2 as the username portion of the URL. For example

curl -O   https://oauth2:$CI_JOB_TOKEN@gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/packages/generic/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_VERSION/$FILE

The CI_JOB_TOKEN must be set to a token that has appropriate permissions on your project. Most of the values I wrote as envvars could be copy-pasted from the gitlab packages link on the web.

Adding stable to a blobless clone

We regularly sync various git repos from upstream to our company speicfic Linux repository. However, sometimes when working on a development machine, I need a branch from stable that we have not synced yet. If I did a blobless clone from our repository, doing a fetch from stable is going to pull over lots of blobs that I do not need.

Instead, I want to fetch just a specific tag. I can do this by adding the tag to the fetch command, and it will pull over only those blobs

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Long Refactoring: Backtracking

Now that I have cleaned the loop up somewhat, we can continue with the process of refactoring the code. This is a continuation to the article series I started here.

This next step really moves beyond refactoring. I have identified that the intended backtracking was not actually implemented in the code. Instead, The whole board is wiped and restarted many times, causing a decent slowdown in execution. My refactoring process thus far has allowed me to understand the code well enough to attempt and improvement.

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Long Refactoring: More loop cleanup

In my last article on the Long Refactoring series, I elided the process I went through to solve the bug. While preparing to turn the articles into a presentation, I went through the steps myself again, and came across the bug. When I was writing the articles, I was pressed for time, and didn’t go through the process of solving it step by step, which in turn means there is a gap between the pre-and-post states of the code: you can’t get there from here.
Let me take it from where I mentioned that I found a bug, and added the unit test that shows it.

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FreeIPA: whoami via curl

Assuming PRINCIPAL is your Kerberos principal and $IPASERVER is the FQDN of your server, you can query your identity on the IPA server via curl:

curl -k -H referer:https://$IPASERVER/ipa   -H "Content-Type:application/json"    -H "Accept:applicaton/json"   --negotiate -u :   --cacert /etc/ipa/ca.crt   -d  '{"method":"whoami","params":[[],{"version": "2.220"}],"id":0}'   -X POST    https://$IPASERVER/ipa/json
{"result": {"object": "user", "command": "user_show/1", "arguments": ["ayoung"]}, "version": "4.5.4", "error": null, "id": 0, "principal": "ayoung@YOUNGLOGIC.COM"}

This is handy if your system is not registered as an IPA client.

To fetch by username:

curl -k -H referer:https://$IPASERVER/ipa   -H "Content-Type:application/json"    -H "Accept:applicaton/json" --negotiate -u : --cacert /etc/ipa/ca.crt -d '{"method": "user_show", "params": [[ "ayoung" ], { "all": true, "rights": true }  ]}'  -X POST    https://$IPASERVER/ipa/json