When sending a message via Rabbit MQ, a sender can chose to identify itself, or hid its identity, but it cannot lie.
Convert a keystone.rc from V2 to V3
Everything seems to produce V2 versions of the necessary variables for Keystone, and I am more and more dependant on the V3 setup. Converting from one to the other is trivial, especially if the setup uses the default domain.
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Dependency Injection in Python applied to Ossipee
I reworked my OpenStack API based cluster builder Ossipee last weekend. It makes heavy use of dependency resolution now, and breaks apart the super-base class into properly scoped components.
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Tie Your Rabbit Down
I’ve been running the Tripleo Quickstart to setup my development deployments. While looking into the setup, I noticed that the default Rabbit deployment is wide open. I can’t see anything other than firewall port blocking in place. I dug deeper.
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What Can Talk To What on the OpenStack Message Broker
If a hypervisor is compromised, the Nova Compute instance running on that node is also compromised. If the compute instance is compromised, then its access to the Message Queue has to be considered tainted as well. What degree of risk does this pose?
Creating an additional host for a Tripleo overcloud
I’ve been successful following the steps to get a Tripleo deployment. I now need to add another server to host the Identity Management and Federation services. Here’s the steps:
Keystone on Port 80 For Tripleo
Many services assume that Keystone listens on ports 5000 and 35357. I’d prefer to have Keystone listen on the standard HTTP(s) ports of 80 and 443. We can’t remove the non-standard ports without a good deal of rewriting. But there is nothing preventing us from running Keystone on port 80 or 443 in addition to those ports.
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OpenStack Keystone Q and A with the Boston University Distributed Systems Class Part 1
Dr. Jonathan Appavoo was kind enough to invite me to be a guest lecturer in his distributed systems class at Boston University. The students proved a list of questions, and I only got a chance to address a handful of them during the class. So, I’ll try to address the rest here.
A Holla out to the Kolla devs
Devstack uses Pip to install packages, which conflict with the RPM versions on my Fedora system. Since I still need to get work done, and want to run tests on Keystone running against a live database, I’ve long wondered if I should go with container based approach. Last week, I took the plunge and started messing around with Docker. I got the MySQL Fedora container to run, then found Lars Keystone container using Sqlite, and was stumped. I poked around for a way to get the two containers talking to each other, and realized that we had a project dedicated to exactly that in OpenStack: Kolla. While it did not work for me right out of a git-clone, several of the Kolla devs worked with me to get it up and running. here are my notes, distilled.
Dealing with Duplicate SSL certs from FreeIPA
I reinstalled https://ipa.younglogic.net. My browser started complaining when I try to visit it; The serial number of the TLS certificate is a duplicate. If I am seeing this, anyone else that looked at the site in the past is going to see it, too, so I don’t want to just hack my browser setup to ignore it. Here’s how I fixed it:
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