F17 Openstack Test Day on Thursday.

If you want Openstack support for Fedora or RHEL, this day is for you! Once we get the F17 code stable, we will use that as the code base for EPEL, so lend a hand.


I’ll be lurking around to help out with Keystone questions, but at the same time I’ll also be involved with a local installfest so I expect to be logged in to IRC, but also very much walking around and answering questions….as well as running through test cases myself.

So join us:

IRC #fedora-test-day on Freenode
WebIRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-test-day

IPAddress for local Virtual Machines

When running Fedora as a KVM/Qemu  host for  virtual machines, you have the issue that you don’t know the IP Address for a virtual machine once you create it.  IP addresses that are assigned via

The MAC Address is in the config file saved in


Once you start the virtual machine, you can fetch the IP Address from the DHCP lease file in:


To correlate the two:




MAC=`cat /etc/libvirt/qemu/$VMNAME.xml |   xml2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="="} /mac..address/ {print $2}'`

IP=`grep $MAC /var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases | cut -d' ' -f3`

#$VMNAME has MAC $MAC and IPAddress $IP
echo $IP


This must be called as root or via sudo.


Chris Lalancette notes that the cannonical version of the MAC address can be found using

virsh -c qemu:///system dumpxml $VMNAME

Snapshot VMs

This past week at the  Red Hat summit I got the chance to demonstrate Enterprise IPA, the Red Hat version of FreeIPA, at the Red Hat booth.  One of the aspects of IPA we want to showcase is registering client systems.  That means that I wanted to be able to get a client system in the pre-installed state pretty very quickly.  My approach was to use Qemu/KVM virtual machines.  I had one VM image that I did not touch, and all the rest of the virtual machines will be snapshots that overlay that image.

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