Running GUI Applications in a container with SELinux

As I work more and more with containers, I find myself wanting to make more use of them to segregate running third party apps. Taking the lead of Jessie Frazelle I figured I would try to run the Minecraft client in a Container on Fedora 25. As expected, it was a learning experience, but I got it. Here’s the summary:
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A Holla out to the Kolla devs

Devstack uses Pip to install packages, which conflict with the RPM versions on my Fedora system. Since I still need to get work done, and want to run tests on Keystone running against a live database, I’ve long wondered if I should go with container based approach. Last week, I took the plunge and started messing around with Docker. I got the MySQL Fedora container to run, then found Lars Keystone container using Sqlite, and was stumped. I poked around for a way to get the two containers talking to each other, and realized that we had a project dedicated to exactly that in OpenStack: Kolla. While it did not work for me right out of a git-clone, several of the Kolla devs worked with me to get it up and running. here are my notes, distilled.

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