Select only the Jades

Some custom jq for RegEx selection of OpenStack Ironic baremetal nodes. Our Server types show up in their names. I want to be able to build lists of only the Mt. Jade Servers, which have names that look like this:


openstack baremetal node list  --sort provision_state:asc   -c UUID -c Name -f json | jq '.[] | select(.Name | test("jade."))'

Debugging a Clean Failure in Ironic

My team is running a small OpenStack cluster with reposnsibility for providing bare metal nodes via Ironic. Currently, we have a handful of nodes that are not usable. They show up as “Cleaning failed.” I’m learning how to debug this process.

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QJackCtl and Pipewire

It took me a few tries, but I finally got a passable demo/tutorial about Pipewire and QJackCtl.

Here’s the final version. Well, final for now.

Here’s the version before that that got hit by a copyright claim and thus was not visible in Canada. I chose the “auto edit” option to remove the copywritten material. I think that means that you don’t see how you can feed browser audio back into itself. I’ve not watched it since it got cut.

Here is the original Camcorder version. This was really the approach I wanted to take, with the camera picking up the same audio that I was hearing. But the video was unwatchable.