Building a Custom Fedora Based Kernel with Local Patches

How can I create a binary kernel RPM that has patches that have not yet merged into the mainline kernel? One approach to building the Kernel RPM is to use the Makefile option provided with the Kernel. While we typically do this, it does not provide us with the user land tools like perf and its libraries used to test certain patches.

An alternative approach is to take the Fedora Kernel Source RPM that matches the targeted upstream Kernel version, and modify it to apply the set of patches. Here is a walk-through of the process I just got to succeed.

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Merging Config Fragments in the Linux Kernel

If you have a config fragment that you want included in your Linux config file, you can use the make system to add it to the existing config. For example, I have a file called: kernel/configs/ampere-topic-mctp.config that looks like this:


This tells the make system to change CONFIG_MCTP_TRANSPORT_PCC from the default (=n) to module (=m) when building. To include this config fragment, I append it to the make file command to build the config file. For example:

make olddefconfig  ampere-topic-mctp.config

This can be done with multiple fragments.