Keystone and Cassandra: Parity with SQL

Look back at our Pushing Keystone over the Edge presentation from the OpenStack Summit. Many of the points we make are problems faced by any application trying to scale across multiple datacenters. Cassandra is a database designed to deal with this level of scale. So Cassandra may well be a better choice than MySQL or other RDBMS as a datastore to Keystone. What would it take to enable Cassandra support for Keystone?

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Introduction to Ironic

“I can do any thing. I can’t do everything.”

The sheer number of projects and problem domains covered by OpenStack was overwhelming. I never learned several of the other projects under the big tent. One project that is getting relevant to my day job is Ironic, the bare metal provisioning service. Here are my notes from spelunking the code.

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Reading keystone.conf in a container

Step 3 of the 12 Factor app is to store config in the environment. For Keystone, the set of configuration options is controlled by the keystone.conf file. In an earlier attempt at containerizing the scripts used to configure Keystone, I had passed an environment variable in to the script that would then be written to the configuration file. I realize now that I want the whole keystone.conf external to the application. This allow me to set any of the configuration options without changing the code in the container. More importantly, it allows me to make the configuration information immutable inside the container, so that the applications cannot be hacked to change their own configuration options.

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