Certain portions of an application function as a registration point, whether they are in the native language of the project or a configuration file read in. These files provide a valuable resource to the code spelunker. For instance, when starting to understand a Java web archive, the standard directory structure with WEB-INF/web.xml provides a very valuable starting point. Just as reading C Code you can start with main. The dependency Collections often are an xml file, like struts-config.xml, or the Startup portion of a Servlet.
The concept in Inversion of Control is that you separate the creation policy of the object from from the object itself, such that the two can be varied independently. Often, a project that otherwise does a decent job of cutting dependencies via IofC will build a dependency collector as a way to register all of the factories for the components. The xml files that Spring uses to define all of the control functions are dependency collectors just as surely as a C++ file with an endless Init function that calls “registerFactory” for each component in the inventory.
As you might be able to tell from my tone, I respect the usefulness of the dependency collector, but still feel that there is a mistake in design here. In C++, you can specify a chunk of code guaranteed to run before main that will initialize your factories, so the language provides support for IofC. In Java, classes can have static blocks, but this code only get executed if the class file is somehow referenced, which means this is not a suitable mechanism for registering factories. The common approach of using XML and Introspection for factory registration violates the principle of not postponing until runtime that which should be done at compile/link time.
So I give myself two goals. 1) To find a suitable Java based mechanism for registering factories and 2) to provide a method to compensate for the lack of orientation that a dependency collector provides.
look at Guice (Google juice). This seems relevant to the topic. The dependency chain is managed in factory style objects which depend on java @Inject tokens and allow for test-driven-dev and dependency injection. Im not using it myself, but it does look very interesting. I am looking into improving testability of large legacy code-base in C which has way too many domino style dependencies.
I’ll check out Guice. Pico container is the cleanest implementation I’ve seen so far in Java.
C and C++ have the benfit of early linking. You can create a factory prototype, and call on it. If nothing implements that prototype, you get a linker error. Use this to your advantage as you restructure your C code.