DNS Managers in FreeIPA

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an essential part of systems management. If you need to manage multiple physical hosts you’d really benefit by a degree of control of some subset of DNS. With Virtual machines, the sheer number of hosts created demand a responsive DNS. Kerberos, X509 and other security mechanisms require a proper DNS configuration. Yet, for many organizations, DNS is locked down by IT to a very static set of records. Earlier articles discussed User Groups, Host Groups, and Netgroups. The final installment in this series discsusses how to delegate DNS Zone management in FreeIPA.

First, create a Zone for the project, and one DNS record

[root@f16server ~]# ipa dnszone-add beowulf.younglogic.com
Authoritative nameserver: f16server.ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com
Administrator e-mail address [hostmaster.beowulf.younglogic.com.]:
Zone name: beowulf.younglogic.com
Authoritative nameserver: f16server.ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com.
Administrator e-mail address: hostmaster.beowulf.younglogic.com.
SOA serial: 2012110201
SOA refresh: 3600
SOA retry: 900
SOA expire: 1209600
SOA minimum: 3600
Active zone: TRUE
Dynamic update: FALSE
[root@f16server ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add
Zone name: beowulf.younglogic.com
Record name: www1
[A record]:
[AAAA record]: feed:0123::babe
Record name: www1
A record:
AAAA record: feed:0123::babe

Here’s the LDAP details of what we just created:

[root@f16server ~]# ipa dnszone-show beowulf.younglogic.com --all --raw
dn: idnsname=beowulf.younglogic.com,cn=dns,dc=f16server,dc=ayoung,dc=boston,dc=devel,dc=redhat,dc=com
idnsname: beowulf.younglogic.com
idnssoamname: f16server.ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com.
idnssoarname: hostmaster.beowulf.younglogic.com.
idnssoaserial: 2012110201
idnssoarefresh: 3600
idnssoaretry: 900
idnssoaexpire: 1209600
idnssoaminimum: 3600
idnszoneactive: TRUE
idnsallowdynupdate: FALSE
nsrecord: f16server.ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com.
objectclass: top
objectclass: idnsrecord
objectclass: idnszone

Notice that the A and AAAA records are not visible in the DNS Zone object. Since we are not just modifying values of attributes, we can’t perform the same type of delegation as we did with User Groups, Host Groups or Netgroups. Lets take a look at the LDAP details of the Record.

[root@f16server ~]# ipa dnsrecord-show beowulf.younglogic.com www1 --all --raw
dn: idnsname=www1,idnsname=beowulf.younglogic.com,cn=dns,dc=f16server,dc=ayoung,dc=boston,dc=devel,dc=redhat,dc=com
idnsname: www1
aaaarecord: feed:0123::babe
objectclass: top
objectclass: idnsrecord

A and AAAA records that have the same idnsname go into the same LDAP object. PTR and CNAME records would all be put into additional attributes of this object if they, too, had the same idnsname. This LDAP object is a subordinate object to the Zone, beowulf.younglogic.com.

Thus, we can use the Subtree permission type to manage access to this resource. The subtree is the distinguished name (DN) of the DNS Zone.

[root@f16server ~]# ipa permission-add 'beowulf-dns-modify'  --permissions=add,delete  
[Member of group]: 
[Subtree]: idnsname=beowulf.younglogic.com,cn=dns,dc=f16server,dc=ayoung,dc=boston,dc=devel,dc=redhat,dc=com
[Target group]: 
Added permission "beowulf-dns-modify"
  Permission name: beowulf-dns-modify
  Permissions: add, delete
  Subtree: ldap:///idnsname=beowulf.younglogic.com,cn=dns,dc=f16server,dc=ayoung,dc=boston,dc=devel,dc=redhat,dc=com

We could use the objectname and cn as we did before, but  subtree is better documentation to our intent.

Again, we need to add the permission to the privilege.

[root@f16server ~]# ipa privilege-add-permission beowulf-manage --permission=beowulf-dns-modify
  Privilege name: beowulf-manage
  Description: Manage the Assets of the Beowulf project
  Permissions: beowulf-manage, beowulf-manage-group, beowulf-hostgroup-modify,
               beowulf-netgroup-modify, beowulf-dns-modify
  Granting privilege to roles: beowulf-managers
Number of permissions added 1

Test it out with the admiyo account (that already has the Role beowulf-managers. This time, we’ll add both an A and AAAA record, which are managed by the same object in BINDs LDAP backend.

[root@f16server ~]# ipa privilege-add-permission beowulf-manage --permission=beowulf-dns-modify
  Privilege name: beowulf-manage
  Description: Manage the Assets of the Beowulf project
  Permissions: beowulf-manage, beowulf-manage-group, beowulf-hostgroup-modify,
               beowulf-netgroup-modify, beowulf-dns-modify
  Granting privilege to roles: beowulf-managers
Number of permissions added 1
[root@f16server ~]# kinit admiyo
[root@f16server ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add 
Zone name: beowulf.younglogic.com
Record name: mail1
[A record]:
[AAAA record]: feed:babe:beef::cafe
  Record name: mail1
  A record:
  AAAA record: feed:babe:beef::cafe

These four articles have attempted to show how the access controls of FreeIPA allow a system administrator to delegate specific actions to power users in their organization. From the simplest and most targeted of Target Groups, through simple and then more complex filter queries, then finally subtree queries. While FreeIPA can abstract you away from having to understand LDAP,  it does not prevent you from doing so.  Instead,  LDAP know how built on top of the structure provided with FreeIPA can help to craft secure and flexible delegation policy.

3 thoughts on “DNS Managers in FreeIPA

  1. Hi, if the DNS Server integrated with IPA Server, is possible to doing zone transfer with another DNS Server on different machines? and how I can to add another clause to zone configurations? an example, if I want to add an “allow-update { …; };” clause. Because when I look to named.conf or named.rfc1912.zones, there no zones where I created before using IPA Server .

    Because I want to create the IPA server integrated with DNS Server and DHCP Server with dynamic updates. please show me the clue? thanks. :).

    sorry for my english. 😀

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