Context Map of an Application

Of all of the inversion of control containers I’ve come across, the one that most matches how I like to develop is Pico container. What I like best about it is that I can code in Java from start to finish. I don’t like switching to a different language in order to define my dependencies. Spring and JBoss have you define your dependencies in XML, which means that all of the Java tools know nothing about it, and javac can’t check your work. You don’t know until run time if you made a mistake.

One reason people like XML is it gives a place to look. You know that you are looking for the strategy used to create an object. The web.xml file provides you a starting point to say “Ah, they are using the struts servlet, let me look for the struts config XML file, and then….” Of course, this implies that you know servlets and struts. Come at a project with no prior knowledge puts you into murkier waters.

An application has a dynamic and a static aspect to it. The dynamic aspect can be captured in a snapshot of the register state, the stack, the heap, and the open files. The static structure is traditionally seen as the code, but that view is a little limiting. Tools like UML and ER Diagrams give you a visual representation easier to digest. We need a comparable view for IofC.

Many applications have a structure of a directed acyclic graph. The servlet model has components that are scoped global, application, session, request, and page. Each tier of the component model lives a shorter lifetime than the next higher level. However, this general model only provides context in terms of http, not in context of your actual application. For instance, if you have a single page that has two forms, and wish to register two components that represents a button, there is no way to distinguish which form the button is inside. Or, if an application has multiple databases, say one for user authentication and a different one for content, but both are registered as application scoped components, the programmer has to resort to naming the components in order to keep them separate.  While it is not uncommon to have multiple instances of the same class inside of a context scope, keeping the scope small allows the developer to use simple naming schemes to keep them distinct, and that naming scheme itself can make sense within the context of the application. For example, if an application reads from two files, one containing historical user data and one containing newly discovered user information,  and performs a complex merge of the application into an output file, the three objects that represent the files can be  named based on the expected content of the files as well as their role.  If there is another portion of the application that does a something like this, but with product data, and the two parts really have little to no commonality of code, the file objects will end up getting the context as part of the registration.

  • fetchHistoricalUserDataFile
  • fetchNewUserDataFile
  • fetchHistoricalProductDataFile
  • fetchNewProductDataFile

Note now that the application developer must be aware of the components registered elsewhere in the application to deconflict  names, and that we start depending on naming conventions, and other processes that inhibit progress and don’t scale.

We see a comparable concept in the Java package concept.  I don’t have to worry about conflicting class names, so long as the two classes are in separate packages.

To define an application, then, each section should have a container.  The container should have a parent that determines the scope of resolution.  The application developer should be comfortable in defining new containers for new scopes.  Two things that need access to the same object need to be contained inside of descendants of the container of that dependency.

A tool to make this much more manageable would produce a javadoc like view of the application.  It would iterate through each of the containers, from parent down the tree, and show what classes were registered, and under what names.  This would provide a much simpler view of the overall application than traversing through XML files.

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