After some discussion with Bill Nottingham I got a little further along with what it would take to integrate Ansible Tower and FreeIPA. Here are the notes from that talk.
FreeIPA work best when you can use SSSD to manage the user and groups of the application. Since Ansible is a DJango Application running behind NGinx, this means using REMOTE_USER configuration. However, Ansible Tower already provides integration with SAML and OpenIDC using Python Social Auth. If an administrator wants to enable SAML, they do so in the database layer, and that provides replication to all of the Ansible Tower instances in a cluster.
The Social integration provides the means to map from the SAML/OpenIDC assertion to the local user and groups. An alternative based on the REMOTE_USER section would have the same set of mappings, but from Variables exposed by the SSSD layer. The variables available would any exposed from an Nginx module, such as those documented here.
Some configuration of the Base OS would be required beyond enrolling the system as an IPA client. Specifically, any variables that the user wishes to expose would be specified in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
This mirrors how I set up SSSD Federation in OpenStack Keystone. The configuration of SSSD is the same.