I posted this once before, but we’ve moved on a bit since then. So, an update.
#!/usr/bin/python upstream = ['Austin', 'Bexar', 'Cactus', 'Diablo', 'Essex (Tag 2012.1)', 'Folsom (Tag 2012.2)', 'Grizzly (Tag 2013.1)', 'Havana (Tag 2013.2) ', 'Icehouse (Tag 2014.1) ', 'Juno (Tag 2014.2) ', 'Kilo (Tag 2015.1) ', 'Liberty', 'Mitaka', 'Newton', 'Ocata', 'Pike', 'Queens', 'R', 'S'] for v in range(0, len(upstream) - 3): print "RHOS Version %s = upstream %s" % (v, upstream[v + 3])
RHOS Version 0 = upstream Diablo
RHOS Version 1 = upstream Essex (Tag 2012.1)
RHOS Version 2 = upstream Folsom (Tag 2012.2)
RHOS Version 3 = upstream Grizzly (Tag 2013.1)
RHOS Version 4 = upstream Havana (Tag 2013.2)
RHOS Version 5 = upstream Icehouse (Tag 2014.1)
RHOS Version 6 = upstream Juno (Tag 2014.2)
RHOS Version 7 = upstream Kilo (Tag 2015.1)
RHOS Version 8 = upstream Liberty
RHOS Version 9 = upstream Mitaka
RHOS Version 10 = upstream Newton
RHOS Version 11 = upstream Ocata
RHOS Version 12 = upstream Pike
RHOS Version 13 = upstream Queens
RHOS Version 14 = upstream Rocky
RHOS Version 15 = upstream S
Tags in the Git repos are a little different.
- For Essex though Kilo, the releases are tagged based on their code names
- 2011 was weird. We don’t talk about that.
- From 2012 through 2015, the release tags are based on the date of the release. Year, the release number. So the first release in 2012 is 2012.1. Thus 2012.3 does not exist. Which is why we don’t talk about 2011.3.
- From Liberty/8 the upstream 8 matches the RDO and RHOS version 8. Subnumbers are for stable releases, and may not match the downstream releases; Once things go stable, it is a downstream decision when to sync. Thus, we have tags that start with 8,9, and 10 mapping to Liberty, Mitaka, and Newton.
- When Ocata is cut, we’ll go to 11, leading to lots of Spinal Tap references
Title should be “Translating Between RHOS and upstream…”
for RDO it has always been 1:1 RDO , numbers have never been used for describing RDO versions.