It is high Test season here in FreeIPA land, as we gear up for the GA of The 2.0 Release. One thing that I’ve found necessary is to set a machine into “Vanilla” state without going through the complete install process. Getting rid of all vestiges of an IPA install requires removing files that are not cleaned up in an “rpm erase” call. This is my script to reset my machine. Warning. It removes your data. Duh. It also cleans up The Dogtag Certificate server and tomcat6 installs, since those are dependencies for IPA that are undergoing significant development as well.
ipa-server-install -U --uninstall pushd /var/lib/ipa/ rm -f ca* rm -f *.txt rm -f sysrestore/* popd pushd /var/lib/dirsrv/ rm -rf scripts* popd pushd /etc/dirsrv/ ls popd pushd /var/run/dirsrv/ rm -rf slapd* ls popd pushd /etc/ipa rm -f ca.crt popd pushd /var/log/dirsrv rm -rf slapd* popd yum erase -y `rpmquery -a | grep freeipa` `rpmquery -a | grep ^pki-` `rpmquery -a | grep tomcat6` `rpmquery -a | grep httpd` 389-ds-base bind
Hey Adam,
To clean up some dogtag related cruft, you might also want to add the below stuff to remove other pki and tomcat related stuff(I do this on one of the local scripts for dogtag)
# rm -rf /var/lib/pki* /var/log/pki* /etc/init.d/pki*
# rm -rf /usr/share/pki /usr/share/tomcat5 /var/lib/tomcat5/