Here is the current list of technologies on my horizon, not all of which I am completely clueless:
- JBossAS5
- OSGi
- Qpid/AMQP
- Facelets
- Seam
- Git
- Jopr/RHQ
- Maven
- EJB3/Hibernate
- Portlets
- Struts and Tiles…did this before but it has been a few years.
- Jepp
- JNA/JNAerator
Of course, there are also my completely unrelated side projects cpp-resolver and the bproc work, both of which go in completely differnt directions.   My brain hurts…but it is a good kind of hurt. And yet, strangely, in my brain these all fit together into a single consistent whole.
Just reading that list made me nauseous 🙁