Dreams of the wrong uniform

People often talk about the dream where they are back in High School, and they have a test, but they haven’t studied.

My stress dreams involve USMA.  I am invariably in the wrong place and in the wrong uniform.  Here are a few variations:

It is graduation day.  My company is in Full Dress over White, marching to Michie Stadium.  I am in civilian clothes.

I am running across north Area in PT clothes and the yellow windbreaker we were issued back then.   I have to get changed into As-for-class and get to lunch formation.

I am walking around in Dress Gray and under my long overcoat.  I realize I am no longer authorized to wear it, and so I have to get back to my hotel room to change before someone sees me.

All of these dreams have the same stress feeling I had a decade and a half ago. Hail Alma Mater Dear…

One thought on “Dreams of the wrong uniform

  1. I think this is a deep psychological problem that all West Pointers experience. Nearly every WP grad I talk wtih has similar dreams of being in the wrong uniform. Another common theme is running to be in formation, but your legs don’t move, or you are going so slowly that you can’t possibly make it.


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