If you are at all an American you care about our boys and girls in the sand. If you are a Conservative, you feel proud that they are doing their part in the Global War on Terror and hope they come back home in one piece. If you are a Liberal, you hate the fact that we are at war and just hope they come back in one piece. I’m not going to go into my own position on Iraq and Afghanistan; there are enough political blogs out there. But I want everyone to be hyper-aware that we have friends and family and neighbors in the sand, in the mountains, and the urban sprawl along the old Silk Road.
I can’t tell their stories, and I don’t have to. They are telling them right now, online, in the various military blogs. Doonesbury Creator Gary Trudeau has done a great thing in posting an array of their blog postings on his “Sandbox” page.
I started reading them their, and have gone on tow check the authors own pages daily to see if they are OK. I’m not going to say anything more about them: go to the sandbox, then click on the links for the author’s own pages, and read what they have to say themselves.
If anyone comes up with good blogs that are not linked to from the Sandbox, please let me know.