With the release of Fedora 13, I have a new target OS for software. In order to deal with the vagaries of installs, I have come to the pattern of creating one VM per target OS, which I get to the starting point, and then clone that for any actual work.
I recently created a minimal F13 VM. I booted it, and then brought up the network.
This is a minimal install, as I said, which means that it does not have an X install, nor any of the Graphic utilities. In Fedora systems, networking is performed via Network Manager, a User level graphical tool. In order to bring up the network, I was using the “Old School” command
ifup eth0
When I cloned it, and then tried to bring up eth0 from the command line, I got the error message “eth0 does not seem to be present”.
On Red Hat style systems like RHEL and Fedora, ifup eth0 gets its config info from
However, there is a new twist: dev – dynamic device management. The udev subsystem, when I first booted the “clean” or prototype F13 installed VM, recorded the mac address in:
Specifically, the line looks something like this:
# Networking Interface (rule written by anaconda) SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:aa:bb:00:dd:01", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
When I cloned the machine, the clone got a new mac address for the network interface. Looking in dmesg, I saw a message that eth0 has been renamed to eth1. When I looked into the rules file above, I saw a second line, with NAME=”eth1″.
When I cloned the machine, the clone process did not know about the subsystem in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, so there was not ifcfg-eth1 file created, and thus no networking for the clone.
The solution was to delete the first line, and to change the second line to NAME=”eth0″ and then reboot the machine. In order to make sure that it has network enabled, I also ran
chkconfig network on
Which should re-enable the old style networking on reboot.
If you have done old style networking already, make sure you commend out the mac address in
Or change it to the new one, or the init.d script will not bring up the interface.